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Wood boiler room
Wood boiler room
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]We are proud to present the installation of a containerized wood boiler for a temporary swimming pool. This boiler room equipped with a CS180 kW CLASS 5 pellet boiler is custom-built. Polypoles, offers sustainable containerized energy solutions with quick installation and environmentally friendly, using biomass as a renewable energy source.
Wood-fired boilers: High energy output up to 500 kW
The installation of water-fired boilers or furnaces in 20-foot maritime containers marks a major turning point in the use of biomass as an energy source. These flexible structures use renewable fuels such as wood pellets, olive pits and forestry chips, offering outputs of up to 500 kW. The installation of a wood-fired boiler system is made to measure by Polypoles technicians. Validated by various control bodies.
What are the advantages of a wood-fired boiler?
The advantages of a containerized wood-fired boiler plant are numerous:
- Rental availability: Ideal for industries, communities, hotels, (others…).
- Made-to-measure : A container tailored to your preferences.
- Factory pre-assembly: Fast, efficient installation, minimizing on-site disruption during renovation or biomass heating expansion.
- Multi-fuel silo: Flexibility with the use of different renewable fuels to optimize energy consumption.
- No need for planning permission: avoids the red tape involved in building environmentally-friendly heating and boiler systems.
- Adaptability and mobility: a flexible solution that can be adjusted to meet changing customer needs.
- Container-integrated chimney : fully integrated, minimizing visual impact.
- Space-saving: space optimization, ideal for restricted areas when developing biomass heating systems.
- Reduction of technical constraints: Simplification of installation and maintenance procedures, promoting smooth operation of biomass boilers.
- Gas Emission Reduction: Contributes to the reduction or even elimination of greenhouse gas emissions, thus actively participating in the fight against climate change.
All containerized wood-fired boilers are fully assembled in France and installed by our technicians. Training is planned for users.
Meeting energy needs with wood-fired boilers
The versatility and practicality of containerized wood boilers make them the ideal solution for meeting energy needs while respecting the environment. Whether for the Piscine de Paris or other similar projects, this innovation paves the way for a more sustainable and responsible energy future by harnessing biomass resources for heat production.
To find out more about these innovative solutions and how they can meet your energy needs, visit our biomass boiler page.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”19711″ img_size=”300″][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”19712″ img_size=”300″][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”19713″ img_size=”300″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Call on polypoles for your project heating needs
Polypoles offers you solutions for buying or renting heating equipment.
Tell us about your projects, and we’ll make sure they’re in everyone’s best interest. Contact us for a free estimate![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”100px”][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”19716,19714,19715,19717″ img_size=”300×300″][vc_toggle title=”What criteria should you take into account when choosing your heating system?”]Before even considering the type of equipment, it’s imperative to have a precise idea of the volume of air to be heated. Indeed, the choice will depend in part on this last aspect. You also need to take into account the location, insulation level and configuration.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”What is biomass heating?”]Biomass heaters offer an environmentally-friendly, sustainable energy solution with many advantages. Firstly, they use renewable fuels such as wood residues, chips, pellets or agricultural waste, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and contributing to the energy transition towards a circular economy. By using local biomass sources, they also promote regional energy self-sufficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Biomass heating systems are also cost-effective. The fuels used are generally less expensive than fossil fuels, saving you money in the long term. What’s more, they can benefit from financial support and government incentives, making their installation even more attractive.
In terms of performance, biomass heaters are increasingly efficient and can be tailored to specific user requirements. they can produce heat for heating buildings, producing domestic hot water or even powering industrial processes. What’s more, advanced control systems optimize their operation and reduce their impact on the environment.
Last but not least, biomass heating systems contribute to the recovery of waste and the development of local industries. By using renewable raw materials and promoting the sustainable management of forest and agricultural resources, they help preserve the environment and create local jobs.
In short, the use of biomass heaters is a viable energy solution that is environmentally friendly, economically advantageous and socially responsible. It plays a key role in the transition to a sustainable energy model and contributes to the fight against climate change.
Here is an article about our biomass collective heating systems:
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