
Infrared heating for fast-food restaurants at the l’atelier des lumières museum

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Heat a small tent with a fast, efficient installation, without air movement.

Polypoles installed HOT TOP infrared heaters in a small marquee for the Atelier des Lumières museum‘s fast-food service. Infrared heating is the ideal solution for this application. To give customers a feeling of well-being and warmth. Polypoles has installed HOT TOP dark radiant heaters, whose sleek design is perfect for these events. These HOT TOP heaters fit perfectly into the crystal tent.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

The benefits


  • No air movement
  • No noise pollution
  • Comforting warmth for customers
  • Quick installation
  • No heat loss
  • Integrates harmoniously

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